吴波 - 师资介绍

基本信息: 吴波(男,中共党员)
所属院系: 材料工程系
职称: 教授
学历: 博士研究生
学位: 博士
个人简介: 教育经历:

1999 年9月—2002年8月于北京有色金属研究总院稀有金属冶金与材料研究所获工学博士学位(与北京科技大学研究生院联合培养)


2003年01月—2004年10月,在德国卡塞尔大学机械工程系,材料技术研究所,质量与可靠性研究室博士后研究(University of Kassel, Scientific Staff)
2004年11月—2006年10月,在德国马克斯-普朗克金属研究所进行博士后研究(Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research, Guest Scientist)
2006年11月至今,在福州大学材料学院工作,研究员,2010年平级转教授。建立了福州大学材料科学与工程学院多尺度材料设计与应用实验室(http://mcmf.fzu.edu.cn, FZM-MCMF),开展跨尺度集成计算材料工程(ICME)研究。
研究领域: 多尺度集成计算材料工程,金属材料和无机功能材料的微结构、相变和性能研究,特种加工过程模拟仿真,特种新材料开发。研究课题选题广泛,开放包容性强。陆续获得了包含两项国家自然科学基金面上项目在内的30余项国家、省部级、厅级、校级及横向合作项目(详见个人主页:http://mcmf.fzu.edu.cn)。手握一项经济效益、社会效益俱佳的可产业化技术。力争实现持续性发展,做有用的科研,做高水平的科研。
主讲课程: 毕业设计/设计
科研成果: 合金设计与制备
(1) Bo Wu∗, Zheyu Xie, Jinchang Huang, Jinwei Lin, Yixu Yang, Linqiao Jiang, Jianglin Huang, Guoxin Ye, Chunfeng Zhao, Shangjin Yang, Baisheng Sa, Microstructures and thermodynamic properties of high-entropy alloys CoCrCuFeNi, Intermetallics 93 (2018) 40–46.
(2 Zenyi Wei, Yixu Yang, Jinchang Huang, Bo Wu, Baisheng Sa, Yeyan Huang, Shuliang Wang, Maohua Lin, C-T. Tsai, Kewu Bai, Prediction of site occupancy of C15 Laves phase at finite temperature based on quasi-harmonic approximation model, Intermetallics, 2018, 96: 33-40.
(3) Kangming Hu, Jinchang Huang, Zhenyi Wei, Qiong Peng, Zheyu Xie, Baisheng Sa, and Bo Wu*,Elastic and thermodynamic properties of the Ti2AlNb orthorhombic phase from first-principles calculations, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2017, 254(6): 1600634
(4) Zhenyi Wei, Shushi Tou, Bo Wu*, Kewu Bai, First principle investigation of crystal lattice structure, thermodynamics and mechanical properties in ZnZrAl2 intermetallic compound, Solid State Communications 247(2016)82–87. ISSN: 0038-1098
(5) Zeyou Zhou, Bo Wu*, Shushi Dou, Chunfeng Zhao, Yuanpeng Xiong, Yufeng Wu, Shangjin Yang, Zhenyi Wei. Thermodynamic properties of elements and compounds in Al-Sc binary system from ab initio calculations based on density functional theory. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2014, 45A: 1720-1735.
(6) Yufeng Wu, Bo Wu*, Zhenyi Wei ,Zeyou Zhou, Chunfeng Zhao, Yuanpeng Xiong, Shushi Tou, Shangjin Yang, Baiyang Zhou, Yanqun Shao. Structural, half-metallic and elastic properties of the half-Heusler compounds NiMnM (M = Sb, As and Si) and IrMnAs from first-principles calculations. Intermetallics. 2014, 53: 26-33.
(7) *Bo Wu, Hailong Liu, Chaoran Huang, Min Wang, Li Su, Chunfeng Zhao, Zeyou Zhou, Yuanpeng Xiong, Yanqun Shao, Baiyang Zhou. Prediction of the site ordering behaviours of elements in C15 NbCr2-based intermetallics by combining thermodynamic model with ab-initio calculation. Intermetallics. 2013, 35: 104-109.
(1) Sahar Ramin Gul, Matiullah Khan* ,Yi Zeng*, Bo Wu*, Understanding the thermodynamic properties of 20%CeO2 stabilized ZrO2 coatings with atomistic modeling and simulations, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019 ) 076532
(2) Sahar Ramin Gul, Matiullah Khan*, Yi Zeng*, Bo Wu*, Theoretical investigations of electronic and thermodynamic properties of Ce doped La2Zr2O7 pyrochlore, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 085210.
(3) Sahar Ramin Gul, Matiullah Khan*, Yi Zeng* and BoWu*, Understanding the improved stability and reduced thermal conductivity of yttria stabilized zirconia: A combined experimental and atomistic modeling study, Computational Materials Science, 153 (2018) 208-216.
(4) Qiong Peng, Kangming Hu,, Baisheng Sa, Jian Zhou, Bo Wu, Xianhua Hou, Zhimei Sun, Unexpected elastic isotropy in a black phosphorene/TiC2 van der Waals heterostructure with flexible Li-ion battery anode applications, Nano Research, 2017, 10(9): 3136-3150.
(5) Qiong Peng, Rui Xiong, Baisheng Sa*, Jian Zhou, Cuilian Wen, Bo Wu*, Masakazu Anpo, Zhimei Sun*, Computational mining of photocatalysts for water splitting hydrogen production: two dimensional InSe-family monolayers, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017, 7, 2744.
(6) Qiong Peng, Zhenyu Wang, Baisheng Sa*, Bo Wu*, Zhimei Sun, Blue Phosphorene/MS2 (M = Nb, Ta) Heterostructures As Promising Flexible Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 13449-13457.
(7) Qiong Peng, Zhenyu Wang, Baisheng Sa*, Bo Wu*, Zhimei Sun*, Electronic structures and enhanced optical properties of blue phosphorene/transition metal dichalcogenides van der Waals heterostructures, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:31994
(8) *Tao Yu, Bo Wu*. A theoretical perdiction on CN6O: structure, stability and performance. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2015, (2): 991-1000.
(9)Guangqing Pei, Changtai Xia*, Bo Wu, Tao Wang, Lili Zhang, Jun Xu, Studies of magnetic interactions in Ni-doped ZnO from first-principles calculations, Computational Materials Science, 2008,43:489-494.
(10) Bo Wu*, Matvei Zinkevich, Fritz Aldinger, Wenqing Zhang, Ab initio structural and energetic study of LaMO3 (M = Al, Ga) perovskites. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2007, 68: 570–575.
(11) Bo Wu*, Matvei Zinkevich, Fritz Aldinger,Dingzhong Wen, Lu Chen,Ab initio study on structure and phase transition of A-type and B-type rare earth sesquioxides Ln2O3 (Ln = La−Lu, Y, and Sc) based on density function theory, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, 180: 3280-3287.

(1) Bo Wu*, Anglika Brückner-Foit, Qiang Li, Lu Chen, Jinbiao Fu,Chaohui Zhang. A reliability assessment method for structural metallic component with inherent flaws based on finite element analysis and probabilistic fracture mechanics model, International Journal of Fatigue,2009,31,1882-1888.

(1)工业延期雷管延期体用锌铝基合金挤压管及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0293925.4
(2)一种高纯度、高成分均匀性的镍铬合金靶材制备方法,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0236313.8
获奖情况: 2009年度福州大学材料学院先进个人和先进科技工作者;
更新时间: 2021-12-13 15:18